It all happened around a table full of ramen. And by the time we got the bill, the Analog team had a concept to run with. It was late in the Summer of 2018 and we were spitballing ideas for what kind of thank you gift we could give our clients at the end of the year. A hot topic at the time was digital detoxing due to society's addiction to mobile devices. As an agency, we tend to promote as much 'analog thinking' as possible. Concepting ideas and gathering thoughts on paper first, before you transition onto a computer. We value time away from a screen. So we got to work on a clever concept... paper first.
Hurry Up And Slow Down.
Fast forward four months later. The office smelled of aromatic organic Columbian coffee beans. We had tied the last name tags onto branded cotton pouches that held our new Analog Slow Blend Coffee bag and a story book inside. We pulled it off. Here's how we did it:
1. Source high quality beans and have them roasted locally in Vancouver
2. Brand and design a custom coffee bag
3. Source a manufacture to print the coffee bags
4. Illustrate and print a 16 panel satire about mobile addition
5. Source branded muslin cotton pouches to hold everything
6. Print 400 custom name tags
It was a Christmas to remember. And we are still making and drinking our beloved Slow Blend coffee. Being recognized by Applied Arts for packaging design was a real honour. And working with our clients on a daily basis is equally a gift.